Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The 'lone-wolf' extremist theory - a load of crap

We've seen a drastic rise of domestic terrorism the past few weeks with the killings by James von Brunn at the Holocaust Museum and Scott Roeder of Dr. George Tiller, a doctor who performed late-term abortions. This precipitous rise in violence even goes as far back as Jim David Adkisson when he shot up a church during a musical almost one year ago.

A lot of headlines indicate that these lunatics commit these acts of horror in a "lone-wolf" manner. In other words, they are crazies who are going nuts with no outside influence.

Well, that's a load of crap.

David Neiwert, an intelligent man, author and blogger at various blogs such as "Crooks and Liars," wrote a great entry yesterday about Glenn Beck and how right-wing pundits and authors like him and Bill O'Reilly have driven many of these crimes. I'm sure I will write a entry that is completely devoted to Glenn Beck and his unbelievable lack of credibility and incredible surplus of idiocy, but that is for later.

When Jim David Adkisson shot innocent people a year ago, it was because of his hatred of liberals and because of the literature and things he read and heard -- which included the works of Bill O'Reilly! (Well put, Joan Walsh.)

Long story short, Neiwert shows a great point. These acts were not committed by people who live in a cave and don't pay attention to current events. In some way, shape or form, these killings have an impetus behind them--whether it is watching "The O'Reilly Factor" or reading a radical conservative book (it sounds like I'm picking on the "right," and I am...many of these killings can easy be traced back to radical right-wing verbage), there is a very small (or large) mode of influence.

Here is another good article that shows the new-age "lone wolves" is more of a mirage than reality.

I only hope that these senseless murders end...once again, when will we, as humans, realize we are all a part of the same race? It is the differences in all of us that should make us want to learn more about and respect each other. But perhaps that is asking too much.

Video of the Day: This doesn't really go with the theme of this entry, but who cares? This is one of my favorite sports videos of this past year.

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